London Festival opera plan an operaLondon Festival Opera LogoLondon Festival Opera Logo
London Festival Opera plan an operaLondon Festival Opera LogoLondon Festival Opera Logo

Superb Opera for Special Events & Theatres in the UK and Internationally

Opera is about passion – and we are passionate about Opera.     London Festival Opera creates outstanding, bespoke performances of the highest artistic standards in the UK and overseas.   With over 30 years’ of experience, working with the very best opera and classical singers, LFO has performed for a wide range of  clients ranging from large-scale VIP galas for global corporations to intimate private parties ‘at home’.

The company performs in theatres and at Festivals and for a wide range of corporate and charity events, birthdays, weddings and private parties in the UK and internationally.

LFO has performed for the Royal Family on many occasions including a private performance in the presence of the late Queen Elizabeth II and charity events in the presence of HM The King (when Prince of Wales), The Princess Royal and TRH The Earl and Countess of Wessex.   The company has appeared at 10 Downing Street and Chequers and as a guest company at La Fenice Opera House in Venice.

London Festival Opera is one of the world’s leading touring opera companies and engages distinguished opera singers from the major British companies, including the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, English National Opera, Glyndebourne, as well as featuring exceptional young artists at the beginning of international careers.

LFO is committed to introducing the next generation to the magical world of opera and has performed ‘Opera Magic’ to many thousands of children in the UK.

Opera needs an accompaniment.  If a piano is not available or practical we perform with with orchestral backing tracks and can bring own amplification equipment making it possible to perform in any setting.

Opera Interludes is the associate company of London Festival Opera

Hearing live opera in a theatre or auditorium or in the intimacy of a private party is a powerful experience.  Opera transcends language and is ideal for corporate events and multi-national occasions.  We work with our clients to create a powerful programme you and your guests will remember for ever, a performance that appeals to opera lovers and newcomers alike.

  You may wish to surprise your audience with waiters or fellow party guests bursting into song, or have an operatic version of a pop song such as ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.

Our services


London Festival Opera is under the artistic direction of a professional opera singer.  Following a successful solo career with the major British companies, the baritone Philip Blake-Jones founded London Festival Opera in 1989. Based in the UK but performing internationally, our singers have appeared for Presidents, Prime Ministers and senior members of the British and European Royal Families.  Recent engagements have been in London, Rome, Paris, Hamburg, Brussels, Monte Carlo, Marrakech, Mumbai, Barbados and Hong Kong.

Engagements have included a private performance in the presence of  Queen Elizabeth II, charity performances for the Presidents of France and Malta, for the Prime Minster at 10 Downing Street, the Ambassador at the British Embassy in Paris, and as a guest company in one of Italy’s greatest opera houses, La Fenice in Venice during the Carnival Celebrations. London Festival Opera’s track record says it all: with over 30 years’ experience the company is established as the market leader in providing live opera of the highest calibre.

London Festival Opera singers The Barber of Seville on the beach in Barbados

PHILIP BLAKE-JONES (Artistic Director)

Philip Blake-Jones studied singing and piano at the Royal Academy of Music. He made his solo debut as an opera singer with Glyndebourne Festival Opera and has also appeared with Glyndebourne Touring Opera, Kent Opera, Pavilion Opera and at the Buxton Opera Festival. He has appeared as Giuseppe in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Gondoliers with the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, and also on two national tours with the D’Oyly Carte singing Strephon in Iolanthe (a role he also recorded with the company with critical acclaim). Philip Blake-Jones is the Artistic Director and founder of London Festival Opera.

“A stirring performance and the audience loved it”


“This was an exhilarating performance by first-rate singers and musicians; opera at its very best.”


“Outstanding singers.”


“Opera as near perfection as you could get it.”


“Your music was so fabulous!”



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